30 Air-Purifying Plants to Grow in Your Home

Air pollution is always one of the biggest concerns when it comes to creating the ideal living environment. Not everyone has the time to detox their homes through daily cleaning and maintenance nor can everyone afford to buy man-made air purifiers and filters which can be quite expensive. 

In 1989, NASA conducted a study and discovered that there are many houseplants that can act as natural air purifiers by removing toxic components in the air; especially in enclosed areas. In this article, we’ve listed 30 of the best air-purifying plants that would be perfect for cleaning the air in your home. Here’s a quick look.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

getting pots ready

According to NASA, the Peace Lily is one of the best air-purifying plants to grow in your home. Peace lilies are tropical plants that break down and remove toxic gases such as trichloroethylene and carbon monoxide. The whole filtering process gets more productive when the pot’s topsoil is well exposed to the air. 

Growing Tip: They love direct sunlight and need to be watered regularly.

Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller)

aloe vera plant in pot

This succulent has the ability to remove harmful VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) from the air. It takes in carbon dioxide all throughout the night while releasing oxygen, making it an ideal plant to place even in the bedroom. Some experts state that a single aloe vera plant is equal to 9 air purifiers!

Growing Tip: Plant aloe vera in a well-draining succulent potting mix and water every two weeks. 

Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata)

snake plants in pots

Snake plants purify the air by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen at night, while simultaneously neutralizing nitrogen oxides and formaldehyde. They’re easy plants to care for, as they don’t require a lot of maintenance. Their unique appearance makes them popular plants for growing indoors. 

Growing Tip: Give them enough sunlight, moderate water, and light feedings at least 2-3 times per year for the best results.

Florist’s Chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum morifolium)

purple colored chrysanthemums

According to NASA, this plant can eliminate numerous toxins from the environment such as benzene and ammonia. Ranked among the highest for air purification, these plants have beautiful flowers that bloom for only about 6 weeks. 

Growing Tips: ‘Mums’ thrive in moist soil with lots of organic matter. They need to be supported with stakes to stay upright as they grow up and bloom. 

Madagascar Dragon Tree (Dracaena marginata)

colored dragon tree plant

Dragon trees, or Dracaena Marginata, are a great choice for air purification due to their ability to filter out toxins like xylene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde. These plants are low maintenance and can thrive in low-light environments, making them perfect for brightening up your home or office while improving air quality.

Growing Tip: They can thrive in and adapt to different light conditions well, though it’s best to keep them away from direct sunlight.

Lemon Button Fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia)

lemon button fern

Lemon button ferns are a lesser-known air-purifying plant that can make a big impact on your indoor air quality. These small ferns are excellent at removing harmful toxins like formaldehyde and xylene, making them a great choice for anyone looking to improve their air quality.

They are also low maintenance and can thrive in both bright and low-light environments, making them a versatile and attractive addition to any home or office. Plus, their lemon-scented leaves will add a pleasant aroma to any room!

Growing Tip: Lemon button ferns love loamy, moist soil and indirect sunlight. They also require regular watering in order to grow well. 

Devil’s Ivy (Epipremnum aureum)

devil's ivy plant

Devil’s ivy, also known as pothos, is a popular air purifying plant that is both easy to care for and effective at removing harmful toxins from the air, such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide.

This trailing plant is perfect for hanging baskets or trained to climb a trellis, and it can thrive in both low and bright light conditions. Additionally, devil’s ivy has been shown to improve air humidity levels, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their indoor air quality.

Growing Tip: Grow these plants in bright light and prune them often for increased foliage. 

Areca Palms (Dypsis lutescens)

areca palm in pot

Areca palms eliminate toluene and acetone in the air, while also decreasing carbon dioxide. They also act as natural cooling plants by reducing the temperature of the environment. 

They are relatively easy to care for and can thrive in both bright and indirect light, making them a great choice for any indoor space. Areca palms are also effective at adding humidity to the air, which can help prevent dry skin and respiratory problems. Plus, their tropical appearance can add a touch of exotic beauty to your home or office.

Growing Tip: Grow these plants in temperatures from 18-24 C (64-75 F). The minimum temperature they can tolerate is 10 C (32 F).

Red Anthurium (Anthurium andraeanum)

anthurium flowers

Commonly known as “Flamingo lily”, these plants absorb airborne pollutants such as ammonia with their huge, dark green leaves, creating a refreshing indoor environment. These flowering plants are relatively easy to care for and can thrive in both bright and low-light environments. Plus, their vibrant red blooms can add a pop of color and a touch of elegance to any space.

Growing Tip: Red Anthuriums love lots of moisture, so keep them in a place with a higher humidity level such as a bathroom.

Rubber Fig (Ficus elastica)

rubber fig plant

These plants are easy to care for and can thrive in both bright and low-light environments, making them a versatile addition to any indoor space. Rubber figs also have large, attractive leaves that can add a touch of tropical beauty to your home or office. They have been shown to be effective at increasing humidity levels, which can benefit your skin and respiratory health.

Growing Tip: Rubber trees are easy-grown plants that thrive in partial shade and well-draining soil. Just avoid keeping them in places that dry out quickly.

Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina)

weeping fig tree

Weeping figs, also known as ficus trees, are attractive and effective air purifying plants. They can remove harmful toxins like formaldehyde, benzene, and ammonia from the air, making them a great choice for improving indoor air quality.

These plants are relatively easy to care for and can thrive in both bright and indirect light. Plus, their lush foliage and elegant appearance make them a popular choice for adding a touch of natural beauty to any indoor space.

Growing Tip: Weeping figs can be easily propagated from stem cuttings. Fertilize and prune them every few months for ideal growth.

 Philodendrons (Philodendron)

philodendron's flowers

There are numerous species of philodendron, all of which minimize air pollution by breaking down chemical components in the air. These common houseplants are so easy to grow and maintain as they require very little care!   

Growing Tip: Water them once every two weeks and watch out for pest infestations. Philodendrons need to be repotted at least once every 2-3 years.

English Ivy (Hedera helix)

English ivy plants

Apart from neutralizing various airborne carcinogens, English ivy is also known to minimize mold and fecal matter found in the atmosphere. These plants have berries, however, that are toxic if ingested. If you have children or pets in the house, place the plants somewhere out of their reach. 

Growing Tip: English ivy has medium light requirements. It needs to be watered whenever the soil surface is dry to the touch.

Croton (Codiaeum variegatum)


Crotons, also known as Joseph’s coat, are a colorful and unique air-purifying plant. They can remove harmful toxins like formaldehyde, benzene, and toluene from the air, making them a great choice for improving indoor air quality.

These plants are relatively easy to care for and can thrive in both bright and indirect light. Their vibrant and variegated foliage can add a pop of color and texture to any indoor space. Crotons are a great option for anyone looking for a distinctive and effective air-purifying plant.

Growing Tip: Crotons flourish in warm climates with a humidity level between 40% – 80%. To increase the humidity, keep the plants on a humid tray or mist them once a week.

Barberton Daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)

barberton daisies in many colours

Also called “Gerbera”, these plants are highly effective at absorbing toxins such as trichloroethylene and benzene in high concentrations. Barberton daisies are a great option for anyone looking for a natural and aesthetically pleasing way to purify the air in their home or office.

Growing Tip: While Barberton daisies prefer full sun, they do better in partial shade during the hottest time of the year. 

Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans)

corn plants

This is another plant in “dracaena” family that does wonders in removing airborne volatile organic compounds. They give you clean air to breathe by consuming micro particles of smoke in the air.

Corn plants are also known for their ability to increase humidity levels, which can benefit your skin and respiratory health. Overall, corn plants are a great choice for anyone looking to improve their indoor air quality in a low-maintenance way.

Growing Tip: Plant the seeds in the summer and keep the soil constantly moist for faster germination. Fertilize corn plants once every 6 months.

Sword Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

sword fern in pot

Also known as the “Boston Fern”, this plant species can dissolve alcoholic vapors in indoor living areas. It can also remove various other indoor air pollutants such as xylene, benzene, and formaldehyde. 

Growing Tip: The trick is to create a growing environment that’s similar to its native inhabitants. Water regularly and provide them with good ventilation for average care. 

Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)

Chinese evergreen plant

These tropical beauties reduce certain airborne household chemicals that come from things like cleaning solutions, glue, carpets, and synthetic materials such as fiber, plastic, and rubber.

Growing Tip: The light requirements differ on the variety and color of the foliage. Plants with green and greyish leaves prefer low lighting whereas plants with more brightly colored leaves need a medium to bright light conditions.

Broad Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa)

broad lady palm

Broad lady palms absorb formaldehyde and ammonia, detoxifying the surrounding atmosphere. As a result, it reduces your risk of becoming exposed to numerous health problems.

Growing Tip: Place your broad lady palm in a shady spot and water moderately. These plants can survive in a wide range of soil types and rarely need any fertilizing.

Pineapple Plant (Ananas comosus)

pineapple plants

Pineapple plants have tiny pores in their leaves and needles called “stomata” which suck up carbon dioxide rapidly while releasing oxygen back into the environment. They have large leaves and can be used to bring an exotic touch into your home. 

Growing Tip: Plant in loamy soil and water once a week in normal climates. Unlike many other house plants, pineapples don’t need to be repotted from time to time.

 ZZ Plant (Zanzibar Gem)

zz plants

Zanzibar gem is a hardy plant that’s capable of eliminating and recycling cancer-causing compounds in the air; especially in enclosed living spaces. It’s known to eliminate pollutants, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide from the air, making it clean to breathe. 

Growing Tip: This plant is best grown in an all-purpose potting mix used for succulents instead of normal soil. Re-pot them once a year in the spring and fertilize them with a liquid fertilizer. 

Kimberly Queen Fern (Nephrolepis obliterata)

Kimberly queen fern

Apart from removing harmful fumes from your surroundings, neutralize airborne bacteria, molds, fungus spores, and other micro germs making the air safe to breathe. 

Growing Tip: Keep the plants away from direct sunlight as it can cause damage to the foliage. Water when the top layer of the soil is hard and dry.

Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)

poinsettia plants

Poinsettias work as natural mini air-purifiers by removing traces of formaldehyde that exist in the atmosphere due to the use of items such as grocery bags, paints, and coatings.

Growing Tip: These plants need at least 4 to 5 hours of sunlight per day. The ideal growing media is a mixture of free-draining soil, organic compost, and peat moss.

Scarlet Star (Guzmania lingulata)

scarlet star plant

Scarlet star plants are known to neutralize more VOCs than any other air-purifying plant that’s been studied. These plants produce attractive red and orange blooms with a central cluster of small, white flowers.

Growing Tip: Place them close to a window so they can get better lighting which will promote rapid blooming. For the plants grown in rooms with less exposure to the sun, use grows lights.   

Nerve Plant (Fittonia albivenis)

nerve plant

Native to South America, nerve plants are popular for their colorful, deeply creased leaves that filter air pollutants like trichloroethylene, octane, and benzene. It’s a unique tropical houseplant that would add a pop of color to your indoor décor. 

Growing Tip: Grow fittonias in peat mixed potting soil and mist them when the climate is dry.  Since they require a high level of humidity, you can also try keeping them on humid trays. 

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

spider plants

These plants effectively clear out hazardous gases such as toluene and xylene, enhancing the quality of the air you breathe. Tests conducted by NASA show that spider plants can remove up to 95% of toxic substances in your home. 

Growing Tip: Spider plants are easy to grow. Moderate watering, occasional pruning, and yearly repotting are more than enough to keep them healthy.

Calathea (Calathea)

calathea plants

Calatheas are also called “living plants” due to their ability to close their leaves in the night and re-open them every morning like they’re coming to life. Not only will this plant be a lovely addition to your home, but it will also provide a healthy indoor climate for you and your family. 

Growing Tip: Provide your calathea plants with small amounts of water regularly and fertilize once every 14 days for lush foliage.

Dwarf Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii)

dwarf date palms

Also known as “pygmy date palms”, these are other species of tropical plants that eliminate xylene, formaldehyde, and toluene, cleaning the atmosphere effectively.

Growing Tip: These plants can survive in full sun or even complete shade. Plant them in the spring or fall in sandy, clay, or loamy soil with a pH level over 7.

Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

parlour palms

According to NASA, parlor palms are ideal air cleansers as they break down carbon monoxide molecules. They also breathe in carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen before releasing it back into the environment.

Growing Tip: For faster growth, place your parlor palms in a spot that gets bright, yet filtered sunlight. Water enough to keep them moist, but not wet.

Clivia (Clivia)

clivia plants

Native to South Africa, clivia is a herbaceous or evergreen perennial plant that purifies air by eliminating chemical particles in the air. It does this while giving out about 80% of oxygen throughout the night.  

Growing Tip: Feed your plants with a potassium-rich fertilizer twice a year in the spring and summer. Deadhead them in the blooming season to promote flowering.

The Take-Away

Air-purifying plants are an excellent addition to any home or workspace. They not only add a touch of greenery and aesthetic appeal, but they also have the added benefit of improving indoor air quality. By naturally filtering out harmful toxins and pollutants, these plants can help you breathe easier and feel healthier.

So, whether you’re looking to freshen up the air in your living space or add a pop of color to your office, consider investing in some air-purifying plants. Your lungs (and your eyes) will thank you!
