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Blue is not a common color for flowers as only 10% of the flowering plants found on Earth are blue. However, this doesn’t mean that there are limited options!
If you’re thinking about growing blue flowers in your garden, we’ve rounded up a list of 30 varieties you can start with! Let’s go ahead and take a look!
Blue Salvia (Salvia farinacea)
USDA Zones: 8 – 10
Propagate by: Seeds and Cuttings
Commonly known as “Mealycup sage or Mealy sage”, these plants thrive in full sun to partial shade and in moist, well-drained soil. Fertilize with a slow-release fertilizer weekly and water enough to keep the soil moist.
Blue Hibiscus (Alyogyne huegelii)
USDA Zones: 9 – 11
Propagation: Seeds and cuttings
Blue hibiscus is a very fast-growing, low-maintenance plant that’s noted for its lovely, large bluish-purple flowers. These plants are sun-loving plants that prefer well-drained, sandy or loamy soil. Once the growing season begins, give these plants some all-purpose fertilizer in the spring and water enough to keep the top inch of soil surface moist.
Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus)

USDA Zones: 7 – 10
Propagation: Seeds and cuttings
Sweet peas come in many colors and several hues of blue. They’re climbing plants that bloom in spring and early summer. Sweet peas are extremely popular in North America as cut flowers and garden plants and they’re heavy feeders so make sure to feed them with a rich compost liquid fertilizer. Remember to water them regularly throughout the summer.
‘Heavenly Blue’ Morning Glory (Ipomoea tricolor)
USDA Zones: 2 – 12
Propagation: Seeds and cuttings
These plants are gorgeous and can attract hummingbirds and butterflies to your garden. They love full sun but can also tolerate very light shade. Fertilize them in a monthly schedule with an all-purpose fertilizer and give them about 1 inch per week during the growing season, reducing the amount in winter.
If you’d like to know more about other types of morning glories and how to grow them, check out our article.
‘Blue Diamond’ Impatiens (Impatiens namchabarwensis)
USDA Zones: 10 – 11
Propagation: Seeds and stem cuttings
Plant blue diamonds plants somewhere where they can get 2-4 hours of mild sun exposure to full shade. They need humus-rich, moist soil with good drainage and should be fertilized using a water-soluble or slow-release fertilizer every 2 weeks. Give them about 2 inches of water per week in normal weather and at least 4 inches per week in temperatures over 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Himalayan Blue Poppies (Meconopsis betonicifolia)

USDA Zones: 7 – 8
Propagation: Seeds and division
Blue poppies are known as difficult plants to grow but they will thrive with a little extra effort. Plant them in partially shaded areas and fertile, cool soil. Feed them with a balanced liquid fertilizer. They should be watered frequently in the summer and less frequently in the winter. You can try using a soaker hose to make sure that the plants are watered deeply.
Blue Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)
USDA Zones: 2 – 11
Propagation: Seeds and root cuttings
Also known as “Bachelor’s buttons”, blue cornflowers love sunny places and rich soil with lot of organic matters. Use a fertilizer with a high phosphorous level in the growing season and water whenever necessary to keep the soil moist and damp.
Himalayan Cranesbill (Geranium himalayense)

USDA Zones: 4 – 8
Propagation: Division and cuttings
These plants produce beautiful blue-violet flowers and flourish in full sun to partial shade. They can survive in numerous soil types including sandy, clayish, chalky, and loamy soils. An all-purpose fertilizer with phosphorous, potassium, and nitrogen is ideal, and remember to always water enough to keep the soil cool.
Check out our article to learn more about other varieties of cranesbill and how to grow them.
Lily of the Nile (Agapanthus africanus)

Zones: 7 – 11
Propagation: Seeds and root division
Lily of the Niles or “African lily” generates flowers in several shades of blue and purple. While they prefer full sun, they can also tolerate partial shade. These plants thrive in average soil and with fertilizer that’s high in potassium. You can also use well-rotted cow manure. African lilies are water-thirsty plants so make sure to water them regularly except in the winter season.
Blue Daisy (Felicia amelloides)

USDA Zones: 8 – 11
Propagation: Seeds and cuttings
Blue daisies benefit from the full morning sun and a bit of shade in the afternoon. Plant them in well-draining and add mineral fertilizer to boost growth and flowering.
Common Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)

USDA Zones: 4 – 9
Propagation: Seeds or division
Bluebells are gorgeous flowers with a light fragrance that can add a touch of elegance and beauty to your garden. Common bluebell grows well in partial sun as it gets burnt in direct sunlight. They flourish in moist, humus-rich soil and require well-balanced fertilizer. Give them at least 1 inch of water per week to help them thrive.
Birdbill Dayflower (Commelina dianthifolia)

USDA Zones: 7 – 10
Propagation: Seeds
Birdbill dayflowers have pastel blue flowers that appear from mid-summer to early Autumn. Most grow in wet soils, while some grow well on dry, well-drained slopes with full sun to partial shade. These plants have average watering needs
Blue Periwinkle (Vinca major)

USDA Zones: 7 – 9
Propagation: Seeds, root cuttings
Greater periwinkles or bigleaf periwinkles grow best in partial to full shade and dry to medium-moist soil with good drainage. They don’t need heavy fertilizing and should be watered whenever the top 2 inches of the soil surface is dry.
Siberian Bugloss (Brunnera macrophylla)

USDA Zones: 3 – 8
Propagation: Division, root cuttings
Known as “Brunnera or Forget-me-not”, these plants are sensitive to sunlight and heat and should be planted in full shade and consistently moist, fertile soil. If the soil is poor, make sure to use organic liquid fertilizer in the spring and summer to nurture the plants. They need to be watered when the 2.5 cm of the topsoil layer is dry to the touch.
Check out our article on other types of morning glories and for tips on how to grow them!
Grape Hyacinth (Muscari)

USDA Zones : 3 – 9
Propagation: Seeds and bulb division
Grape hyacinth is best grown in full to partial shade and performs well in moist, well-drained soil with a pH level of neutral to acidic. They’re low-maintenance plants so unless the growing conditions are poor, they don’t need any additional fertilizing or watering.
Blue Iris (Iris spuria)

USDA Zones: 3 – 9
Propagation: Seeds or bulb division
Blue Iris flowers have a breath-taking lilac-blue color and grow well in full sun or partial shade. They love alkaline, humus-rich soil with good drainage and require low-nitrogen fertilizer, bone meal fertilizer, or superphosphate fertilizer. They need to be watered well and regularly.
French Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla)

USDA Zones: 3 – 9
Propagation: Seeds and cuttings
French hydrangea is also known as:
- Bigleaf hydrangea
- Lacecap hydrangea
- Mophead hydrangea
- Penny mac
- Hortensia
Blue hydrangeas aren’t naturally blue in color. In fact, their color is created by adding sulfur or aluminum sulfate to the soil when planting them. This changes the soil pH level to acidic (below 7), resulting in blue-colored flowers.
These plants thrive in full sun to partial shade, require an all-purpose fertilizer, and should be thoroughly watered at least 3 times a week.
Blue Globe-Thistle (Echinops bannaticus)

USDA Zones: 3 – 8
Propagation: Seeds, Division
These plants are sun-lovers but also can survive in partial shade. They don’t do well in rich soil so make sure to plant them in poor, well-drained soil with dry to medium moisture. They don’t require any fertilizing and need only about 1-2 inches of water per week.
Trumpet Gentian (Gentiana Acaulis)

USDA Zones: 4 – 8
Propagation: Seeds and division
These flowers have a natural electric blue color and grow well in acidic to mildly alkaline soil types with good drainage. They’re strong plants that need fertilizing every now and then. An occasional feeding of water-soluble fertilizer is enough to keep them healthy. Always water enough to keep the soil moist, especially in dry climates.
Blue Cardinal Flower (Lobelia siphilitica)

USDA Zones: 4 – 9
Propagation: Seeds
Great lobelia is a popular gardening plant that can be easily grown in cool climates. These plants prefer full sun to partial shade and thrive in rich soil with constant moisture. They grow best when fed with a suitable dry fertilizer and organic compost in the spring. They do need a lot of water, so remember to water them well every week.
Flat Sea Holly (Eryngium planum)

USDA Zones: 5 – 9
Propagation: Seeds and root cuttings
Flat Sea Holly or ‘Blue eryngo’ need full sun to grow and flourish in sandy soil types with neutral to acidic pH levels. Once they’re well-established, they’re low-maintenance plants that don’t require regular fertilizing and require watering in extremely dry weather conditions.
Veronica Blue Speedwell (Veronica spicata)

USDA Zones: 4 – 8
Propagation: Seeds, division, and Cuttings
Also known as “Veronica ‘sunny border blue’ or “Spike speedwell”, Veronica flowers are popular for their spiky, upright nature. Make sure they’re protected from the wind and plant them in a moist, well-drained, loamy soil. They require quite a bit of fertilizing and ample amounts of water in their active growing season. During the winter stop fertilizing and watering.
Love-in-a-Mist (Nigella damascena)

USDA Zones: 2 – 11
Propagation: Seeds
Love-in-a-mist produces flowers in many colors other than blue. They like full sun to partial shade and average, with a pH level of 6.6-7.5. These plants are known for their low-maintenance qualities. Fertilize them with a general-purpose fertilizer monthly and water once or twice per week.
Blue Plumbago (Plumbago auriculata)

USDA Zones: 8 – 11
Propagation: Seeds and cuttings
Also called “Cape plumbago or Cape leadwort”, these plants are weather-resilient and produce charming sky blue blossoms. They need full sun to bloom and can survive in loamy, chalky or even sandy soil types with good drainage.
Larkspur (Delphinium)
USDA Zones: 3 – 7
Propagation: Seeds, cuttings
Larkspur thrives in the morning sun and needs a bit of shade in the hottest time of the day. Plant them in slightly alkaline soil and use a granular or organic fertilizer to feed them. Water them carefully and keep the ground always moist but not water-logged.
Bluestar (Amsonia)

USDA Zones: 6 – 9
Propagation: Division or cuttings
Bluestar flowers are a great source of nectar and their foliage makes good larval food for various creatures such as bees, moths, and Hummingbirds, attracting them to your garden. Regular fertilizing with an all-purpose fertilizer and moderate watering will keep these plants thriving.
Pincushions (Scabiosa)

USDA Zones: 3 – 7
Propagation: Seeds and division
These sun-loving plants produce up to 50 blooms, each one held on its own thin stem. This makes them an excellent choice if you don’t have a lot of garden space but would like to have a lot of flowers to add color to it. They’re very easy to care for and don’t need any additional fertilizing and watering as long as the natural growing conditions are in good form.
Bluebeard (Caryopteris)
USDA Zones: 5 – 9
Propagation: Seeds and cuttings
Bluebeards are deciduous shrubs with lovely blue flowers that bloom in late summer and fall. They should be planted in the fall or spring, but only if you live in an area that doesn’t get too cold. They’re low-maintenance plants that can tolerate both shade and drought, and they don’t require a lot of fertilizer.
Windflowers (Anemone coronaria)

USDA Zones: 4 – 8
Propagation: Seeds, division, and cuttings
Blue windflowers are quite rare and have many varieties that generate flowers in different colors. They prefer full sun to partial shade and rich, moist soil that’s neutral to slightly acidic. Add some bone meal fertilizer to encourage the blooming and water slowly letting the soil absorb the moisture well.
Lewis Flax (Linum lewisii)

USDA Zones: 3 – 9
Propagation: Seeds
These plants require full sun exposure to grow well and the planting soil should be poor and barren with a sandy, clayish or rocky nature. Feed them an all-purpose, granular fertilizer in the spring and follow a regular watering schedule.
Wrapping up
The color “blue” symbolizes many positive concepts such as peace, freedom, inspiration, and sensitivity. Therefore by planting a patch of blue flowers in your garden, you can experience not just a sense of serenity and calmness but also the awe-inspiring sight that comes with it.