5 Best Herbs for Small Spaces – A Quick Guide!

Herbs are mostly used in small quantities and maybe daily. So, buying a bunch from the local shop doesn’t always work as it tends to dry out before being used. It makes sense to plant your own herbs at home so that you have a fresh supply for everyday use. Let’s have a look at 5 best herbs for small spaces so you can enjoy fresh herbs in your dishes.

5 Best Herbs for Small Spaces

Here is a list of herbs that grow well in pots if you meet their basic needs which a beginner gardener can handle effortlessly.


mint herb plant in pot

Mint is an herb that can be used fresh or dried. It has antioxidants that elevate bowel issues and controls inflammation. Mint oil is a popular ingredient in products such as toothpaste, candy, and even certain beauty products. Mint contains menthol which is used to help decongest phlegm and mucus build-up however studies by the American Lung Association do not think menthol helps with cold symptoms.

Mint plants need very low maintenance and spread aggressively. To prevent the plant from taking over other plants, it is good to grow it in a pot.

Some varieties of mint such as spearmint, variegated pineapple mint, tasty apple mint, and chocolate mint are tall and leggy. A great thing is that they spread fast in pots, and you can even grow them from cuttings. So, it’s a great herb to grow in small spaces

Requirements for Growth

  • Water: Don’t let the soil dry out as mint grows in ample moisture
  • Sunlight: Place the mint pot where it can get good morning sun, but the plants can grow well in partial shade
  • Harvesting: To grow more foliage, pinch off the flowers before blooming and trim the plant regularly


mint leaves

A lot of dishes on the table every day are much better with a dash of parsley leaves on top. You can grow it from seeds or seedlings. Seeds need to be soaked overnight before sowing and can take a couple of weeks to germinate, while seedlings are easier and speedier to grow. 

The two varieties of parsley are flat-leaf and curly-leaf parsley. Being more flavorful, the flat parsley is used more in cooking, while the curly one is preferred for garnishes. Parsley can grow in tough conditions and can even live through frost. With parsley, the more you harvest, the more leaves it grows.

Requirements for Growth

  • Water: Don’t let the soil dry out as parsley grows in moist places
  • Sunlight: Parsley is adaptable and can grow in a shady place without a great amount of sunlight
  • Harvesting: Trim the plant from outside to use the parsley leaves


rosemary plants

Rosemary is great to grow in a pot because of its gorgeous and spiky texture and unforgettable smell. Both varieties of rosemary, uptight and creeping, make lovely and flavorful pot herbs for everyday use.

You can place the pot on a deck or balcony, but it can even survive indoors, although growing indoors makes the plant lose some of its divine, piney scents. Rosemary can grow in soil that is not very rich in nutrients and minerals.

Requirements for Growth

  • Water: Rosemary plants do not need a lot of water to grow well, let the soil dry out a bit between successive watering
  • Sunlight: Place the pot where it gets 6 to 8 hours of sunlight each day as the plant grows in full sun
  • Harvesting: To make the plant bushier rather than being tall, trim all the stalks to about 4 inches. Don’t cut the plant too much when it is growing in the starting period.


oregano plants and herbs

Being a great herb to add to pizza, one of the best things about growing oregano is that the plant thrives even if you neglect it for a while. You can propagate it from cuttings, and it grows best in full sun, without the need to water and fertilize a lot.

For great flowering, grow Herrenhausen or Kent Beauty, and for culinary uses, grow golden or Greek oregano. Oregano spreads quickly and invasively like mint, so it’s better to contain it in a pot.

Requirements for Growth

  • Water: Don’t overwater the plant, just water it when you feel the soil drying out
  • Sunlight: Place the plant where it gets 6 to 8 hours of sunlight on a balcony, windowsill, or deck.
  • Harvesting: To encourage horizontal growth rather than vertical growth, trim the leaves when the plant grows to 4 inches tall


basil herb plants

Basil is a good herb to grow in a pot or small space, but it is a bit fussy about the temperature. If you live in a cold climate, then just put the plant outside during the day, and bring it inside when night falls. Never overwater the plant and grow each plant with plenty of space and air circulation. To make the plant bushy, pinch the leaves when they grow to 6 inches tall. Keep trimming the leaves to get better production and a bigger harvest.

The best way to use basil is straight from the plants. Basil made into a pesto can be frozen, but never put the leaves in the refrigerator, as they lose their color and turn black. When the plant bears flowers, the leaves turn bitter; keep trimming the plant so that it doesn’t bloom flowers.  

There are many types of basil, and each variety is used for a different purpose.

Curly basil or large-leafed basil eg: Mammoth basilGreat for sandwiches
Genovese basilServes well for making pesto
Lemon basilIdeal for garnishing drinks
Siam basilUsed better in Asian cuisine
Purple basilTasty as well as beautiful
Spicy Globe basilBushy structure with tiny leaves grows wonderfully in a small, compact space. Is a little spicy

Requirements for Growth

  • Water: Don’t overwater the plant, let the soil dry out a bit between consecutive watering
  • Sunlight: The plant doesn’t grow well in cold places, so put it where it gets 6 hours of sun, such as a sunny windowsill
  • Harvesting: Continue harvesting the plant, as if you let it grow, then it will sprout flowers and dry out. Make sure to start harvesting from the top and then move toward the bottom. Cut the stems where a pair of leaves grow so that they branch off and keep growing.

Things to Consider Before Starting Your Herb Garden

Don’t worry if you don’t have a large space for planting herbs, as many herbs need just a little space and some care and maintenance to produce a great yield of herbs for everyday use. Growing herbs isn’t that difficult. Even a beginner who has just developed an interest in gardening can become an expert grower of herbs.

If you don’t have a big space to work with, you can always look at using small spaces, but take the following into consideration:

  • Soil: The plants that grow in containers need well-drained potting soil abundant in peat and other organic matter.
  • Location: Herbs need almost 6 hours of sunlight each day, so choosing a small, brick patio that gets good southern exposure is a good thing
  • Set up: It is the things you are going to grow your herb garden in. You could buy small stackable pots or make a DIY pot with abandoned containers at home. You could also use a hanging basket, which you can hang in a sunny location during the summer months and move inside during the colder months.
  • Which plants to grow? Choose herbs that grow well in small spaces and produce a decent harvest in a short time.

Wrapping Up

It is great to be able to use homegrown, fresh herbs, which are very easy to grow. Plant them in small spaces, in pots and kitchen gardens and they will reward you. As herbs are usually needed in small quantities daily, having access to fresh herbs at home always works best.

The 5 herbs listed here are among many varieties out there that make the best options for small spaces. They will not only enrich your dishes but add an aesthetic touch to your home.
