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Is there anything more satisfying than watching these fluffy little featherballs pecking away at the ground, clucking backyard chickens is a growing trend, with more and more people deciding to keep a flock of their own.
But as with any trend, there are pros and cons to consider. So, if you’re thinking about jumping on the backyard chicken bandwagon, read on for a rundown of the upsides and downsides of raising your own feathered friends.
Pros of Keeping Backyard Chickens
There are many benefits to keeping backyard chickens, from the pleasure of collecting fresh eggs each morning to the eco-friendly option of producing your own food. They also offer pest control, fertilizer production, and can teach children valuable lessons about responsibility and self-sufficiency. Let’s dive deeper into the pros of keeping backyard chickens.
Fresh eggs

Fresh eggs are one of the most obvious benefits of keeping backyard chickens. There’s nothing quite like collecting eggs from your own hens each morning and enjoying the satisfaction of knowing exactly where they came from. Not only do backyard eggs taste better than store-bought eggs, but they can also be healthier, as they are free from antibiotics and hormones.
Additionally, backyard eggs are often higher in nutrients like omega-3s, vitamin E, and beta-carotene, thanks to the varied diet that chickens enjoy when they are able to forage outdoors.
Pest control

Chickens are omnivores and love to eat insects, including ticks, fleas, and even mosquitoes. They can also help control other pests in your yard or garden, such as snails and slugs, which can damage your plants.
This means that you may need to use fewer chemical pesticides, making your yard and garden a safer and healthier environment for both you and your family.
Fertilizer production

Chickens are also excellent at producing fertilizer, which can be a major benefit for your garden or yard. Chicken manure is high in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential nutrients for plants.
It can also help improve soil structure and water retention. By keeping backyard chickens, you can easily collect their manure and use it to fertilize your plants, helping them grow bigger and healthier.
Entertainment value

Backyard chickens are entertaining pets that can provide hours of enjoyment for their owners. Watching them scratch around in the dirt, peck at bugs, and take dust baths can be both relaxing and amusing.
Plus, chickens have unique personalities and can be quite social, making them fun and engaging pets to interact with. They’re also great for kids, who can learn about animal behavior and enjoy caring for them.
Teaching responsibility and self-sufficiency to children

Keeping backyard chickens is a great way to teach children about responsibility and self-sufficiency. By caring for chickens, children can learn important skills such as feeding, watering, and cleaning up after animals. They can also learn about where their food comes from and develop an appreciation for the work that goes into producing it.
In addition, having chickens can help kids develop a sense of responsibility and pride in taking care of animals, which can carry over to other areas of their lives.
Low-maintenance pets

Backyard chickens are relatively low-maintenance pets, especially when compared to dogs or cats. Once you have set up their coop and provided them with food and water, they generally require very little attention.
Chickens are also quite hardy and can withstand a range of temperatures and weather conditions, making them ideal for many different climates. This makes them a great pet option for those who may not have a lot of time or energy to devote to a high-maintenance animal.
Sustainable and eco-friendly option

Keeping backyard chickens is a sustainable and eco-friendly option for producing food. By raising your own chickens, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable food system.
You’ll also be reducing the demand for industrially-produced eggs and meat, which often involve environmentally harmful practices like the overuse of antibiotics and pesticides. In addition, backyard chickens can help reduce waste by eating food scraps and producing compostable manure.
Potential for meat production (if desired)

In addition to their egg-laying abilities, backyard chickens also have the potential to provide meat for their owners. While this may not be a suitable option for everyone, those who are interested in raising their own meat can do so with backyard chickens.
Raising chickens for meat can be a sustainable and ethical option for those who are concerned about the treatment of animals in industrial farming operations. It can also provide a source of high-quality, locally-raised meat for your family.
Chickens can help reduce food waste by eating table scraps

Chickens are great at reducing food waste by eating table scraps and other food that might otherwise be thrown away. By keeping chickens, you can reduce the amount of food waste your household produces, while also providing your birds with a varied and nutritious diet.
This can be especially helpful for those who are trying to live more sustainably or reduce their environmental impact. In addition, chickens can be a valuable part of a backyard ecosystem, helping to keep it healthy and productive.
Chickens are good at tilling and aerating soil

Chickens are natural tilling and aerating machines. As they scratch and peck at the ground, they loosen up the soil and help to mix in organic matter like leaves and other debris. This can help to improve soil health and make it more fertile for planting.
Cons of Keeping Backyard Chickens
While there are numerous benefits to keeping backyard chickens, there are also some potential downsides to consider. Let’s take a look at some of the common cons associated with raising chickens in a backyard setting. By being aware of these potential drawbacks, you can make an informed decision about whether keeping chickens is right for you and your family.

One of the biggest complaints from neighbors of backyard chicken owners is the noise that chickens can create. Roosters, in particular, are notorious for their early morning crowing, which can be a major disturbance for nearby residents.
Even hens can be noisy at times, especially when they’re laying eggs or feeling stressed. It’s important to keep noise levels in mind when deciding whether to keep backyard chickens, and to take steps to minimize noise disturbances for your neighbors.

Another potential downside of keeping backyard chickens is the smell that they can create. Chicken coops and runs can quickly become messy and odorous if not cleaned and maintained properly. The buildup of manure and other waste can create an unpleasant smell that can be bothersome to both you and your neighbors.
It’s important to regularly clean and maintain your chicken coop and run to minimize odors, and to avoid overstocking your coop with too many birds. Additionally, proper composting of chicken manure can help reduce the smell and provide a valuable source of fertilizer for your garden.

Chickens can be messy creatures, and their coop and run can quickly become covered in feathers, dirt, and chicken droppings. It’s important to regularly clean and maintain your chicken area to avoid attracting pests like rats and flies, and to minimize unpleasant odors.

Keeping backyard chickens also means dealing with the potential threat of predators like foxes, raccoons, and hawks. These animals can easily break into a poorly constructed coop or run and kill your chickens.
It’s important to take steps to predator-proof your chicken area, including using secure fencing, locking up your chickens at night, and providing hiding spots for them to escape from predators.

Like all animals, chickens can be susceptible to a variety of diseases, including avian influenza and Newcastle disease. It’s important to keep your chickens healthy and to monitor them for any signs of illness.
Additionally, it’s important to be aware of the potential for transmission of diseases to humans, and to practice good hygiene when handling chickens and their eggs.

Keeping backyard chickens can be a significant financial investment. Costs can include building or purchasing a coop and run, buying feed and supplies, and paying for veterinary care if your chickens get sick.
Additionally, unexpected costs like predator attacks or equipment failure can add up quickly.
Time commitment

Chickens require daily care and attention, including feeding, watering, and collecting eggs. Additionally, their coop and run need to be regularly cleaned and maintained. Keeping chickens can be a time-consuming activity, and it’s important to be sure you have the time and energy to commit to caring for them properly.
Local zoning laws and regulations

Finally, it’s important to be aware of any local zoning laws and regulations that may impact your ability to keep backyard chickens. Some cities and neighborhoods have restrictions on the number of chickens you can keep, the size of your coop and run, or even whether or not you’re allowed to keep chickens at all. Be sure to research your local regulations before starting a backyard flock.
Neighborhood complaints

Even if you take steps to minimize noise and smell, keeping backyard chickens can still lead to complaints from neighbors. Some people simply don’t like the idea of chickens being kept in a residential area, and may feel that they decrease property values or create an unsightly appearance.
Before starting a backyard flock, it’s important to consider how your neighbors might feel about the idea, and to be willing to work with them to address any concerns.
Eggs can sometimes have imperfections or be eaten by hens

While backyard eggs can be a great source of fresh and delicious eggs, they don’t always turn out perfectly. Some hens may lay eggs with imperfections like thin shells or double yolks, while others may eat their own eggs before you have a chance to collect them.
Additionally, as hens age, their egg production may decrease, meaning you may not get as many eggs as you expected.
FAQs about Backyard Chickens
The best chicken breeds for backyard are Ameraucanas, Orpingtons, Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds, Sussex, Plymouth Rocks, and Silkies, among others.
Backyard chickens require daily care, including feeding, watering, egg collecting, and cleaning, but they are generally considered low maintenance pets.
Yes, you can let your chickens roam free in your garden, but you should supervise them to prevent damage to plants and keep them safe.
You will need at least two nesting boxes for six chickens, but three or four boxes may be more comfortable for them.
Chickens should not be left alone for a week, as they require daily care and can be vulnerable to predators.
Wrapping Up
Well, there you have it – the pros and cons of keeping backyard chickens! As with any pet or hobby, there are both upsides and downsides to consider. Ultimately, the decision to keep backyard chickens is a personal one that depends on your lifestyle, space, and goals.
If you have the time, space, and interest to care for chickens, it can be a wonderful and rewarding experience. But if you don’t, that’s okay too – there are plenty of other ways to connect with nature and enjoy fresh food. Whatever you choose, we hope this article has given you some helpful insights into the world of backyard chickens!