How to Grow Anthurium Plants – A Complete Guide

Anthurium plants are among the most popular house plants because of their versatility and low maintenance. With their classy and elegant appearance, Anthurium plants make any room look better instantly. These plants have dark, beautiful leaves and long-lasting flowers that come in different colors.

If you’re thinking about growing anthuriums, but you’re not sure how to go about it, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ve got all the information you need to know on how to grow and care for your own anthurium plants.  

What Are Anthurium Plants?

growing anthuriums

Anthuriums are beautiful tropical plants, that have a heart-shaped glossy ‘flower’ and large, glossy leaves. However, the ‘flower’ of the anthurium plant is actually a spathe (a type of bract) that protects the spadix, the part of the flower that sticks up like a spike. These flowers come in many colors, but the most popular are red, pink, and white.

There are about 800 different species of Anthuriums that come from Mexico, the United States, Argentina, and Uruguay. Other names for this plant include the flamingo, laceleaf, tailflower, magic flower, and colored tongue.

How to Take Care of Anthurium Plants

taking care of anthurium plants

Anthuriums are one of the easiest types of plants to maintain since they require very little care. Here are the main factors you’ll need to consider when taking care of this beautiful plant.

1. Light

Anthurium plants need little light which makes them a suitable choice for apartments, small spaces, balconies, or areas that aren’t exposed to much light. Note that too much direct sunlight can damage anthurium leaves and flowers. Therefore, it’s best to put the plant in a place with indirect or filtered light, like beside a window.

2. Temperature

This beautiful flower grows in hot and humid climates. While it originates from rainy and tropical regions, it’s very sensitive to cold weather. The ideal temperature for anthurium plants is between 15 and 28 degrees Celsius.

Note that hot and dry weather will interrupt the growth of the flowers, so keeping the balance is important.  

3. Suitable Soil

Soil is one of the most important elements for maintaining this plant. Anthurium prefers coarse-grained soil with good drainage, so try to avoid planting them in chalky or muddy soil. They also dislike overly rich soil.

Mixing orchid potting soil with a little charcoal sand and moss is an ideal combination for anthuriums.

4. Humidity

Anthurium flowers can grow well in humid conditions.  If you live in a dry area, you can increase the humidity by growing the plants above a tray filled with water, installing a humidifier in your home, or misting the plants

Never let the roots of your plants sit in water, since too much moisture can cause them to develop fungal problems.

5. Water:

Abundant water is essential for the anthurium, especially in spring and summer. Avoid letting the plant dry out in summer and keep the soil relatively moist. In winter, however, your plants would need to be watered only when the soil has dried out completely.  Watering once a week during winter is enough. Spray once a week and clean the leaves of the plant with a soft damp cloth.

6. Cleaning the Leaves

In dry weather, the leaves of anthurium plants may lose their shine. If you notice this happening to your plants, spray them with a damp cloth and lukewarm water. Note that cleaning the leaves is very useful for the plant. You might remember from high school that plants breathe through their leaves. If they get dusty, their airways close and they won’t be able to receive the oxygen they need.

7. Replacing the Pots

After the end of the flowering period in winter, re-pot the anthurium plants. Change the pots to a larger size, making sure that the pot (or container you choose) has proper drainage. You can use plastic pots or any type of container you like.

Points to Consider

beautiful red anthuriums

Anthurium is a beautiful plant, but it can be dangerous for humans. All parts of the anthurium are toxic due to the presence of calcium oxalate crystals. If your skin comes in contact with the sap of this plant, it can cause itching, inflammation, and burns. If you have very sensitive skin, use gloves when handling anthurium plants and avoid them touching your skin.

Anthuriums are also toxic to both humans and animals if ingested. Blisters on the skin, hoarseness and difficulty swallowing are the most common side effects of this plant. In rare cases, the enzymes in the anthurium sap can cause lethal reactions.

If you have children or pets, make sure to keep your anthurium plants out of their reach in order to avoid accidents.

Pests and Diseases

Anthurium is a hardy plant, but it can occasionally attract pests and suffer from certain diseases. Following simple tips can prevent your anthurium plants from getting diseases so that they’ll grow healthily.

Small and pale new leaves: Sometimes the new leaves of the plant can be small, pale, and look unhealthy. The reason for this is the lack of nutrients and poor soil. To avoid this, using a special anthurium fertilizer during spring and summer. Make sure to use it at least once every two weeks.  

Anthuriums that don’t flower: Sometimes, Anthurium plants don’t have any flowers and this can happen for several reasons. One of these reasons is the lack of light. Examine the conditions and move the plant to a brighter place with indirect light.

This problem can also occur due to overwatering. Watering once a week in winter is sufficient and it’s natural that this amount should be increased in summer and hot months of the year. In general, the amount of water depends on environmental conditions. There isn’t a definite amount that you must use each time you water the plant.

Loss of leaf luster: Anthurium plants are known for glossy leaves, but if they are lacking luster, the issue could be a lack of moisture. To counter this, try spraying the leaves daily with lukewarm water.

Stunted growth: If this problem occurs in autumn and winter it’s considered normal since these plants struggle to grow during these seasons. Lack of nutrients, light, and excessive watering of the plant can be other causes of this problem.

Brown spots on leaves: This complication is related to fungal attack so try spraying the plant with a penetrating fungicide solution. This along with removing the damaged leaves can help remove the spotting.

Anthurium pest (Floury bug): If you notice white spots on the leaves and stems of your anthurium plants, it’s probably because it’s being attacked by floury bugs. To solve the problem, spray every two weeks with a penetrating insecticide. You can also try using a piece of cotton soaked in water and soap to clean the leaves.

Anthurium pest (Red mite): The formation of spider web wounds on the underside of the leaves is a clear sign that the plant is being attacked by Red mites. The best way to deal with this problem is to spray the plant with acaricide. Providing enough water will also be quite effective.

Why Grow Anthurium Plants  

Anthurium is popular around the world because of its colorful flowers and ornamental leaves.

The colorful and stylish flowers of this plant have made Anthuriums a plant used in decoration, design, bridal bouquets,  and gifts. Its white or black color varieties are used in memorial ceremonies.

The special anthurium flower with its wide and open petals is undoubtedly a symbol of hospitality and warmth. Some people believe that this flower brings good luck and repels evil and negative energies.

Another meaning of this flower is joy and happiness. Many people believe that enough to have an anthurium in your garden or pot to feel your mood change better.

The Take-Away

The anthurium is a beautiful and low-maintenance plant that’s extremely easy to care for. This makes it a great choice even for those who aren’t good at gardening. Follow the tips in this article to keep your plants growing beautiful and healthy
